Love Poem: Ariel Rose
Jeff Evans  Avatar
Written by: Jeff Evans

Ariel Rose

(Ariel Rose)
This is a story of a rare white rose only descovered in shallow sea stricken plains on the waters of oceans much life exist all around these areas of reefs all sorts of colors and jellyfish and brightly colored fish. This one rose is so rare it usually stands alone and almost so rare to ever come across, this flowers are more brightly colored and seen at night when the moon is it's brightest illuminating bright florescent lighting white glow, so beautiful it's glows in darkest of waters! This is such a rare sight and find in these deep scary waters but is unscaved by harsh waters surrounding it? Her beauty is rare none the less, yes she has her thorns to protect her her flooting leaves to show her grace? Her purity is evident nothing scaves her beauty from being not noticed, but this flower is so rare to find? 
If you come across such a beautiful rose it's worth taking extra time admire and remember because she is so special, your lucky to come across such a flower in a crazy world as ours!!