Love Poems About Inner or Inner Love Poems
by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: beautiful, beauty, best friend, light, moon, sun,



The shining light hides behind my eyes,
Comes in a super nova surprise
My spirit glides into the skies,
Spreading the perfect heat like the sunrise

I was like a diamond under the beauty of the ocean!
My current rides out with smooth motions,
Leaving a taste with intense emotion
Captured by my tides, sunk to my love potion

The sun sends my waves like a mirage of snow
I got the moon to favor upon my glow
With every star touching my inner soul
A glimpse of darkness in my light entwining with a massive flow

Blinded by my own ECLIPSE!
My sun & moon collide
Until the day we both touch lips


by Jan Allison |
Categories: forgiveness,

Forgive and Forget

I asked you what I have done wrong But there is no response - just a stony silence No words can convey my guilt, my inner sadness This will be my last goodbye My final letter to you my love Tears flow down my ashen face Tears of sadness, tears of regret Drip Drip Drip Drip Tears fall on the paper as I write They mingle with the damp blue ink The inky water leaches into the paper Its colour starts to bleed and spread Until it fades into nothingness I am empty, devoid of emotion I can say no more Forgive me for being me Forgive me for caring Forgive me for loving you Goodbye forever 02~15~15

by P.M. Richter |
Categories: image, self, spiritual,

Spiritual Birth

grace will find you when thoughts fade away crushed with unbearable grief "losing your mind" suffering during a dark night of the soul the ego crumbles; revealing the light your soul consciousness "finding yourself" directly experiencing the divine sense of oneness where everything is connected at a deeper level there is but one consciousness appearing as many "awakened" breathless views are available with inner focus crossing a chasm with one final leap of faith you become blissful; radiating like the sun "experiencing enlightenment" revived with a new perspective humans are never perfect but our pure being is "love"

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: heart, love, wife,

My Tears

My love for you is magnified
By the curvature of my tears
I'm lost within the corridors
Of my loving you all these years

My tears are not filled with sadness
They are permeated with joy
You have helped me become a man
Who's connected to inner boy

Within the chambers of my heart
My true self has now been revealed
When you live beside an angel
There is nothing that can't be healed

I dance within our memories
Anticipate the ones to come
You're the source of my happy tears
I don't regret a single one

For Flo's "Sing to My Heart Contest"

by Rama Balasubramanian |
Categories: crazy,

I Am a Star In the Sky

I am a unique creation of God
crafted with same love as others
for a unique purpose
I am no less, no more than others 
I am equal to all

I have no right to feel inferior
for the great lord created me
nor have I the right to feel superior
for everyone was created by him

I know I am here in this mortal world
for short time 

I am a star in the sky
living amidst other stars of same kind
vibrating in bliss and inner joy
I feel no sorrow no pain 
I am happily dancing and smiling

I am sure one day I will leave this mortal world 
and reach my true abode in the Milky way.

Date: 11/8/2020

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: growth, inspirational love, longing,

The Nectars of Love

The Nectars of Love Let your love fall, that I may wallow Let your tears drip of inner essence Entranced by the nectar I swallow As I engulf and taste your presence *** Let your beating heart keep company The emptiness that entraps my being I’m a string vibrating in your symphony Forever echoing festal forever freeing *** Intoxicated by your juices made wine For the gods pour down their nectar Indulging in grapes of the orchid vine Seducing our souls a haunting specter *** The nectars of your love are ingested And the fluids of my heart arrested. Sept.05.2018 OK TOSS ANOTHER ONE IN Sponsored by: John lawless

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: imagery, longing, love, moon, sky, stars,

Oh Luna

Oh Luna

Oh Luna, I am watching you 
     rise in eastern skies.
Your fullness fills my heart 
     with romantic thoughts
As I serenely bathe in your 
     charming reflective glow,
I know there are lovers every-
     where gazing in awe
Of your exquisite enchanting 
    allure causing hearts
To beat with a thrilling rhythm 
     of inner love songs
That captivate the heart and 
     soul, imbibing imagery
Of silent shadows and distant 
     stars that drape your
Indigo sky in shimmering star-
     light from light years
Passed, and as shooting stars 
     brighten night skies,
They are reflected as you are 
     in lover's longing eyes.


by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: passion, love,

The Scoundrel's Game

A yearning for affection and romance can cause one’s getting scorched by passions’ flame. Love blooms if it is given a fair chance, but some attempt to play the scoundrel’s game! A tender soul can be bamboozled by the man who has an inner soul of ice. The love that he professes is his lie, and cherishing himself alone - his vice. The one he lured will struggle to maintain her doomed relationship with him; she’s torn! The taste of love once sweet turns into pain, for what she offers is returned with scorn. Abominations always will exist. Take care one's not a scoundrel you have kissed! For Dictionary fun....#1...Delilah's Words! Poetry Contest

by Paula Larson |
Categories: love,


This love, enduring - ballast of the soul
is ever curing, thee to mine, not role,
but a clear stream of commonplace, of knoll,
that not division's grinding can control!

Heart spoken, not then of some earthly toll,
life's emptying - its prisons, its extol
is neither weight's dissension or escrow,
that carrying as to mention, only know.

Love's ballast - risen, tempered - Godly show
is faith within, the inner mind's re-vow
does save, and then does throw away the dole,
while joy of true love, living is enow!

by Jimmy Anderson |
Categories: passionlove,

One Hundred Percent Love ( a Collaboration W/ S.K.A.T. Poetry)

“Pretty lady”, let me love you, take you places you’ve never been
All the pain you’ve gone through, I’ll make sure it don’t happen again
I promise to always comfort you, your burdens I will bear
There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to prove to you I truly care!
As long as there’s a sky, and those stars continue to shine above
You will always see it in my eye what I feel for you is 100% love!

"Sexy Man," you are what I want plus more. 
Your comfort mopped my tears right off the floor. 
I love the way you caress and touch me. 
Arousing the inner beauty for all to see. 
My world you conquered when push came to shove. 
I give you my thoughts, my emotions, my lust, and my "100% love."

by The Situation |
Categories: blessing, celebration, christian,

If I Could Write

If I could write just one more time
fill a page with different rhymes
make discoveries with pen and mind
of what I'd say if given the time 
If I could write just one more time 
using words that best describe
reaching inside the inner mind
finding feeling just like mine
If I could write just one more time
My love would be my greatest crime
To steal your heart or defend your honor 
My hidden love I'd wish you to discover
If I could write just one more time
I write of heaven that's yours and mine
And I'd make heaven a wonderful place
My two favorite things your love and Gods grace

by Bill Baker |
Categories: kiss, love, passion, romantic love, soulmate, true love,

Tenderness, a Pathway To Unfathomable Love

Kiss me as you’d kiss a baby,
softly to show your love.
Touch me gently,
as you would someone hurt and afraid.

Hug me and hold me tightly,
that I might feel secure and protected.
Smile at me and laugh with me,
so I can see your joy and inner peace.

These are the things that sooth my soul,
inviting me to join you in a loving relationship.
These are the traits that will open my heart,
allowing love to flow freely.

Agree with me that we each have the right to be authentic,
and we’ll be free to be the best we can be.
Now two shall be one as passion is unshackled,
we shall frolic in unfathomable love.

by Brian Strand |
Categories: inspirational, life

Knowing You

Are you who you are 
or just a wanna be

Are you who you are 
unable to fly free

Are you who you are 
living just in today

Are you who you are 
or merely who you say

Are you who you are 
who lets inner talents live

Are you who you are 
with so much love to give

Are you who you are 
for He is who He is
I am,who I am
With Him,you surely can

by John Watt |
Categories: love, nature,

Forest Fortress

A forest - sunlight squeezing through the arms
uplifted by its countless ancient trees.
So fortress-like; her inner royal charms
even the time-worn traveler seldom sees.
What culture lies within? What foreign tongue
is chattered nervously by bird and beast?
What joyful hymns of revelry are sung
which, by my drawing near, in fear are ceased?

My love, those hidden parts I find unique
are those which I would most desire to know.
Dark corners which I least wish you to seek -
the very ones you need the light to show.
Though brighter are the colors from outside,
let's pledge to let no hues within us hide.

by Daver Austin |
Categories: inspirational



Glorious month
Good will
Hearth-side colors    aromas
Sound of Jingle Bells    carols
All the senses taking one back -
    back when imagination was fertile    rooted in
     In magic    and love
We – even the godless – cherish the entire month
But what when December fades?
I say there should be another month
Oh    not rooted in time –
A contemplative month – outside the let-down that is
    January 2nd

When one goes out the window    taps the eternal
    love and joy    listening to that inner voice 
    proclaiming –
“Nothing is over
Here is eternal Christmas      in the true sense

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: appreciation, inspirational, love, poetry, sensual, spoken word, uplifting,

Poetry of Your Words

it’s the perfection
of your expression
that touches me
in the depths
of my heart

it’s the melody
of your words
that reaches
the inner ear
of my soul

it’s the silences
of what is not said
that delivers
its charm to the roots
of my being

Published in my 24-page photo/anthology book ~THE RIGHT TIME~ 2023

AP: 3rd place 2020, Honorable Mention 2020

Submitted on July 17, 2020 for contest STRAND COMPLETELY NEW (11) sponsored by BRIAN STRAND  -  HONORABLE MENTION

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: emotions, humorous, kiss,

- Belissima : Amore -

I like a good conversation ~ about love and life
An objective opinion or a subjective opinion

Belissima ~ Amore
Age does not protect against love
Your sweet smile makes me melt

Yes, I'm incurably romantic
Sweet strawberries with cream vannlije

Belissima ~ Amore
In your eyes rushes my inner thoughts ~ intoxicating
Life is a dream ~ Your smile is like the stars in the sky

It is fate that decides
The important thing is not to find one ~ but finding the right one

Belissima ~ Amore
Your kiss is like drowning in soft chocolate
May I kiss you again

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Humble B |
Categories: angel, baby, baptism, beach, birthday, boyfriend, caregiving, child, christian, christmas, courage, dad, dance, dedication, faith, family, friendship, happiness, happy, hope, inspirational, introspection, life, love, miracle, peace, people, prayer, recovery from..., religion, religious, romance, social, spiritual, stress, uplifting,

Love, Angels, and Music

LOVE God is always love Forever seek the kingdom; Praise the creator Keep giving what you can give Please endure until the end ANGELS Beautiful Heavens Protecting the meek ones earth Watching over us Helping us to cope with life Comforted with hope and trust MUSIC When you find rhythm You find your hearts inner core Celebrate the times Make them better than before Reminisce and dance all night

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: feelings, sweet,

- I Admit My Summer Flirt -

Once in a while 
   I say no 
   But you are so seductive 
   and dangerous 
   The taste of you ... 
   You are melting 
   on my tongue 
   A pleasure
   of  love 
   On the surface you are so sweet 
   Your inner self is frozen 
   Even if you 
   are cold 
   you warm 
   my heart 
   A little kiss 
   my hot lips 
   become numb
   I taste you 
   with greed 
   Bits bit of you 
   Just a little
   Sweet taste in my mouth
   Close my eyes 
   Enjoy ...
   Do you want to taste 
   my delicious 
   strawberry ice cream

A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: devotion, husband, love,

The Wonders of Love

You take such good care of me.
I often wonder 
     if I’m deserving.
You treasure and behold
my inner beauty—
     You love with a generous
selfless heart
     that yearns to please,
to be respected and 
     loved as you are.

How could I not love and
     admire a giant of a man
who blesses my life in so many ways?
     Our feelings run very deep—
Deeper than either one of
     us can comprehend.

Those feelings cross the earthly
     barriers of Time.
They vibrate at such
     heightened harmony
that your thoughts,
     become mine.

© Connie Marcum Wong

by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
Categories: love,

Intense Interlude

"Intense Interlude" in sweet magical moment deep mesmerizing gaze kidnapped his heart, in Time, extending fragrant flowers she smiled, through haunting hazel eyes in translucent vapor mist visual aromatic ambiance ensconced emotions beyond whispered words as beauty bewitched a charming interlude love captivated by essence of inhaled eye-candy. *Blending of sight and smell senses. *For Nette Onclaud's Synesthesia: Inner Body Movement Contest. *Written by: Linda-Marie The "Sweetheart" of P.S. *Nov. 18, 2012.

by Lee Ramage |
Categories: caregiving, introspection, love,

Lighting My Candle From Within

I light my candle from within the more I give to you, An inner strength builds inside, it fills my empty soul, The encompassing love present when my life was askew, Needing a reason to get up every morning was my goal, Volunteering at hospice gave me more, filling a gapping hole. Written by Lee Ramage September 18, 2011 Contest by Paula Swanson “By Candle Light”

by Elizabeth Wesley |
Categories: love, time,

Hands of Time - Sonnet

To me dear love, you will never be old
It is your inner beauty that captivates me;
For in your face so many stories are told
That I contemplate in tranquil reverie.
The short time we shared brings vistas yet unseen
Promises to be discovered within the heart;
Perfumed with tenderness of what comes between
Those vacant hours when we have to part.
You are the treasure that has filled my being
Without you I am empty and incomplete;
But together we share that special feeling
That the hands of time will never cheat.
Let's take what we have and make it all come true
Those hours, days and years I would spend with you.

by Sandra L. Weiss |
Categories: dark, light, onomatopoeia, sad,

Inner Light

My soul is trapped, unable to get free.
Under the shattered pieces of my heart.
Darkness where inner light should be.
Without the light my soul will fall apart.

How am I to fill the emptiness within?
The love once there, I have had to deny.
No hope for healing to begin
Without love or light my soul will die.

by Pace Ink-U-Script |
Categories: love, passion,

Only To Us

In the span of stolen hours, thy lips fall silent apart from thy pupils
muttering softly, acquainting with an
astonishing creation wherefrom 
created. In many respects,
could not restrain
its intense
gold of
And unwilling
to exhale for
fear of lost
sight of creators
treasure. Thy lips
drew near, prevailing upon thy pupils;
transcending and transitioning to that wherefrom
created within the inner sanctum, time and time again...surreptitiously.

Pace, G
