A Secret Never To Be Told
Afterglow, the way you shine, awakening delicate as early morning dew
Beautiful, always the memory of our first time
Charming, the way you blushed as I stroked your cheek
Divine, the tatse of your lips upon mine
Elegant, your style, your passion
First and always, I will remember your trembling hand as I took hold
Graciously, I bow out, knowing my own defeat
Harmoniously, we stutter and stammer our conversation
I will always remember
Jealously I submit to let the world share you as you must leave
Keeping evermore this moment in my heart
Loyal I guard the secrets of our only night
Maybe, just maybe, you will return
No, no I know I am wishful thinking
Over, it's over, so much ending so soon
Promises, promises made and yet the cold light of day breaks their intent
Quietly, hush, there's nothing more to be said
Regrets do not belong in this moment, this time, this place.
Stolen, the hours we shared, never mine to keep
Trusting, those eyes that need not ask for my silence
Undying, such undying love
Virginal white, the sheets which we lay upon
Wanting more, so much more
Xeric, so dry, so barren, my thirst once quenched by the oasis that is lost
You the embodiment of my soul, the only home my heart resides in.
Zero, from nothing you came, and to nothing I now return.