Love Poems About Categories or Categories Love Poems
by Billy Thekidster |
Categories: self,

My Sexuality

There is Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual and Asexual.
I don't fit into any of those categories at all.
I'm sexually attracted to myself. I'm I-sexual.
I'm also in love with myself more than with anyone else in the world.

by Jerry Golden |
Categories: love, music, people, song-sympathy

To Entreat You All

I wish i could step into you
and from your eyes view me
And see what it is 
you want me to change
without you 
i'm sitting solitarie in the rain
it's just not the same as
living inside your pain

I wish that i could close my eyes
And open yours upon rested thoughts
Categories ands fun puzzles
Wind, fog and cigarrette smoke
A cure for all the names 
Cancer and turberculosis wrote

I wish that you lay across my lap
skimming the "funnies"
Doodling and whispering
"I love you hunnie"
Licking peach cobler from your fingers
And gasping like a broadway singer
with too many rainy days to remember

by Chyleen Lopez |
Categories: friendship, girlfriend-boyfriend, growing up, happiness, hope, life, love, passion, me, kiss, me,

Kiss Me

I'm always telling you how I'm 
 Why don't you kiss me?
I'm always telling you what I'm 
For you to kiss me.. :*

I want to feel your sweet, 
gentle lips....
I want our lips to intertwine... 

I want to know that your mine 

Kiss Me,
Show me what your feeling,
Show me what your wanting...

Unless.... Me is not in those 
categories :-/

I want you to open up to me
I want you to know that we will 

Kiss Me :*

by Creative Chaos |
Categories: art, love, magic, poetry, wine,

Seek and Hide

I've been playing
Myself lately 
Seek and hide
Not to write
Not to drift
Into deep 
And get


   Are all 
I have left
   So here 
       I'm again! 

          I drink and drift
  Hide and write   

With thoughts      
All I was left

  Drift and hide
          Drink and write

Did you c' this?

No more 
Magic tricks
My tears are
Faded and dried 
So I play no more...
Seek and hide- but 
Drink and hide
Drift and write

Note: I'm new here and still learning about the whole lot of poetry categories!

by Lakiesha Edwards |
Categories: christian,

Open My Heart

Lakiesha Ainttrippin Edwards 
 Open my heart
Date written: November 17, 2017
Categories:  spoken word 

   Open my heart Lord, I wanna love you like I use to; open my heart lord speak to me, I’m listening for you….
    Lord, my heart needs you now; I wanna come to you but I’m trying to figure how……
   So please open my heart lord, I need my sins washed away; father I need you right now today……
   Lord, open my heart I wanna shout it out; what your love is really all about….
   Tell the world all about your love; about the love you shower us from the heavens above…..
   So I give my all to you; cause for me you know exactly what to do….

by Alfonso II Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris |
Categories: 12th grade, africa, friendship love, hate, i love you, love, sad love,

Bantu Poem, Shahiri Mussabwa 11

Hate is hating me 

Love is always loving me 

May 03 /2023
By Alfonso Warally Ngengethe
       Mussabwa Chris

Message : 
How the World is 
Dividing into
Two categories
 Of people. 
Those who 
Hating others 
And  those who
 Loving others.
Some people are
 called " Hate" 
And others " Love "

by Dana Redricks |
Categories: betrayal, dedication, deep, emotions, heart, loneliness, love,


Author Dana Redricks
December 4, 2015

People fall into these categories; those who love to give;
Those who love to take; those who heal, and 
Those who kill; they take your heart, and bend at will.
Never considering how the other person may feel.
The heart is fragile, and wounds are hard to heal.
When you find someone you should treat them right, and                                                                                                                    Never take them for granted, because dedicated, and
Loyalty is rarely felt these days.

by George Albert |
Categories: creation, humanity, imagination, me, power,

The George Chronicles: Reason

No lie
The depths of darkness invite with such warmth
Fake smile
Everyone has one
A heart
As cold as ice
Your word
Happens more often 
Love has categories 
Some choose to keep, others ..destroy 
Everyone's got one
When negativity already consumed thy soul
Begins with an idea..a reason

by Sibusisiwe LETA Ncede |
Categories: adventure, africa, appreciation, blessing, change, confidence, courage,


Feelings is something 
That is unexpected 
It makes you think
Love is something 
That is felt
It makes you wander
Categories of falling in love,

These are the days
Of revelations 
Count your blessings 
These are the days
Of knowing 
Count your sequences 
It is What it is,

Unconditional love is something 
That is acquired 
Ask yourself
Trust is something 
That is build
Explore yourself
Categories of knowing yourself