A Battle of Sounds
WOW! His belly is full and can't BELCH!!
HAHA! He's gone mad and makes a BANG!
OOPS! His wife's Sprite makes a SPLASH!
YEAH! Hear the fireworks, they make a BAM!
OOSH! She throws water balloons that POP!
WHAM! Keep away from a dangerous POW!
POOF! She' makes him disappear with a ZAP!
YEAH! Take a bath filthy pig, don't BABBLE!
OMG! Sing happy Karaoke lyrics, not SLAM!
GARGLE! Hygiene is a must, don't MUMBLE!
WTF?! Don't piss me off, I love to SMASH!
TIC-TAC! Stop that cuckoo clock, ACHOO!