Love Poem: A Bitter Gall
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Written by: Gwendolen Song

A Bitter Gall

It was early on the day of his crucifixion and they drug him from his cell. Disoriented from dehydration. Disoriented from the pain. Eyes swollen shut and his feet bruised. The flesh on his backside ripped from his captor’s wicked devices. What would it take to make him cave in? What would it take to break his spirit? He continued to carry the burdens of the world with him. He knew his purpose in this suffering. His heart beat with the burdens of the world. He knew only he could deliver them for it was he who created them. To be crucified by the very children you created was his lot. Murdered in cold blood and hung naked on the cross. Hung in shame. Naked in front of his own mother and brother John. How cruel could his own creation be towards him? How much lower could they stoop to reign in the era of the Holy Ghost? This is our Messiah. This is the Christ. You don’t know suffering til you know THE COST that HE PAID FOR YOUR SALVATION. THIS IS THE PUREST FORM OF LOVE. THIS IS OUR CHRIST. A BITTER GALL.

Written by Gwendolen Rix

(Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed).