Love Poem: A Broken Heart
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Written by: Samantha Wells

A Broken Heart

I am a broken heart 
By you I was shattered 
So I tried to take back my power 
By sharpening the shards 
But as time went on 
My pieces began healing 
From hard glass , to soft flesh 
Bound together and beating 
And I almost felt shamed 
By my lack of transformation 
By becoming hard , but then soft again 
While others become lethal 
But then I think again 
Which is better to have ? 
A heart broken , or a mind twisted ? 
"A heart broken ", I answer ,
"Because broken glass is easier to glue together 
Than a tangle of yarn is to untwist."
And while I'm a healing heart , love , you're stuck with your own mentality 
Unless you let God untwist the threads .
And that is a good reason to be soft . 
That is a reason to not be lethal .