Love Poem: A Christmas Present
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Written by: Patrick Cornwall

A Christmas Present

A Christmas Present

Peeling back the memories and peering inside


I feel wrought with pain seeing you alone on the bar stool and the glass half-full of whiskey


I look at the presents  sitting untouched and waiting under the tree


It's been fifty  years now but it's fresh as the morning dew


Are you sad and did anyone give you a Merry Christmas


Did anyone  love you and hold you dear


Life has many twists and turns and the winds


They move us on even when we want to stay with the pain


Those feelings drive me home where they live and are nourished


The Christmas music plays on and the world spins until I look in the mirror


I wander if anyone loves me and thinks of me on my own bar stool holding my glass , empty and waiting to be filled


Do they know every time I laughed as a Christmas  song played in remembrance 


I thought of where you were but I denied that I cared and the song carried


I cared as I waited for you to come after each promise and the tears


I care now as I unwrap each memory on Christmas still


I care that maybe I don't try enough to be your opposite


Maybe I will end like you, alone and on a bar stool with the laughter that eludes


That when I'm but a distant peeling of remembrance


Will anyone unwrap my broken heart and hold 


Who will unwrap my love and open the box and see


And who will be the first to wear me with pride

 For My Father who was an alcoholic