A Crack In the Wall
I look both right and left
All I see is a wall made of stone and brick
There are no openings
There are no cracks
I know why it was built
How was it built?
Who laid the first brick
Did it start the day we met?
Did I say the wrong thing?
Was it that I didn't love you the way you wanted?
Am I the only one who created the wall?
I tried to reach you but it was already too high
My heart would not lift me high enough to even see over
What is on your side?
Are you happy there?
Do you have any cracks?
Is there one single brick missing?
One brick where feelings can slip through
If that one brick is gone
If there is a single space
My love can find its way through
Then and only then will the wall crumble
Turning into piles of hate
Piles we can ignore
And we can love again