I never want to leave your side again To be parted once more would be intolerable You provide the air with which I breathe Alone I drift but in visual space Surrounded here by all that is my flesh In rooms here filled with laughter and spirits free I am as lost as a homeless child Bereft of all that I hold dear You are the rainbow in a cloudless sky The substance that fills my heart And once more awakens it to life With you at last I am whole again Suddenly arisen from a desolate place With you all longings and fears dispel And with your presence I am at peace Safe from harm the protector near Small gestures of hand brushed against face A look that I alone interpret The laughter, the smile, the outstretched hand That reaches for its mate and ignites the fire Of wild abandoned longing and thirsting flames String and bow with fiddler combined Music filling the air with its sweetened sound Without the player, loneliness invades the heart Wood and strings, become just separate things Like a nightingale bereft of song Poor bumble bee lost of its sting Life without purpose, pathetic dying thing.