A Dad’s Hurting Heart… I know of a dad, who’s heart was broken and hurting. His son was living a way of life not very “re-assuring.” This dad tried his best to teach his son God’s ways. But his son refused the truth of what God’s word says. This dad thought about the kind of life his son lived. And wondered what more he could possibly give… I could tell by his voice, that sounded very “shaken.” His son was at a place in life feeling “alone and forsaken.” Whatever happened… This father made up his mind.: “I am going to serve God! NOW is the time!” He would pray for his son no matter the cost. And keep his focus on Christ’ work on the cross! He chose to give God all of his attention. Things in his life took on a whole “new direction.” Jesus gave him his words of a blessed assurance. The love of Christ isn’t a “one time” occurrence! He kept on praying and “holding firm and fast.” Trusting Jesus with a love that always last! The love for his son was unyielding and powerful. He spent time in prayer! Ever so resourceful! As the years went by, he never gave up praying. No matter the hurtful words his son was saying. His son returned to the Lord he once knew. His life is changed! And is now brand new! The prayers of Godly parents are the best gift to give! They can totally transform how their kids will live! By Jim Pemberton