Love Poem: A Daughters Song
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Written by: Zoe Rapp

A Daughters Song

In distance, a daughter's heart does ache,
Mentally wounded by her mother's stake.
Words flung forth, cutting deep within,
Leaving scars unseen, a battle she can't win.

A mother's love should nurture and heal,
But here, a pain that time can't conceal.
From afar, a presence felt so near,
Leaving the daughter's soul in constant fear.

Bound by blood, but torn by the mind,
A connection broken, she struggles to find.
Whispers of love replaced by bitter strife,
Leaving her searching for comfort in life.

A daughter’s heart does ache from distance,
Mentally wounded by her mother’s stake.
With words flung forth, cutting deep within,
Leaving scars unseen, a battle she’ll win.