A Day in the City
Come with me down to Manhattan
There's an exhibit I want to go see
By an artist I'd not before heard of
'Til you introduced him to me
Now this show is just of his landscapes
Still it's one not to be missed
So I don't expect we would see it
The painting that he named "The Kiss"
I'll take you to lunch, we'll have coffee
Watch people outside on the street
Stop at a mom and pop bakery
I may even have something sweet
I promise I won't try to swoon you,
I won't try to take hold of your hand
I can't say I won't steal some glances
That'd be more than my eyes could stand
It would be such a treat if you could
I believe if you could that you would
I think if you would it'd be good
And if it'd be good then you should
Out for a day in the city
That's something that I'd like to do
But alone, by myself? what a pity
It wouldn't be fun without you