A Dough Affection
To be in love with an African,
An unreasoning love, a Dough Affection
Holes all over My heart spilling love
The light in her eyes my Joy,
Her heart My heart's heart,
A queen I could not forsake.
An unreasoning love, a Dough affection,
Your Dough,her priority
Her lame love walked to me,
Reaching for My heart
A love dressed in deceit,beneath her dress
A love in it planted a malign seed.
Holes all over My heart spilling pains,
Dawns her that I'm a maid to Dough
A street urching, she called me, -(tout)
Though I knew,it was nothing new,
An unreasoning love,an affection of Dough,
Abacha's food now My diet -(poison)
True love is not as common as it used to be.