A Dreamer Gazed In Agelessness In the midst of chaos love relinquished its reign A plethora of weakened senses pounding within Like clouds we drifted apart abandoning heaven Remorsefully begged that an amnesty be given. If Eden is illusion is there another I can behold? Visions blindsided by this apathetic frigid world. Do missed chances lose spark unlike pure gold? May not buy their way out of loneliness tenfold. Who can say for certain if one's luck takes hold? Fate insists that the answer must never be told. Doubt incites desperation as she began to weep To ameliorate her grief, I ascend a canyon steep A dreamer gazed in agelessness counting sheep Dazed as hearts tenderly reunites in their sleep! Penned: 11/27/2022 Extended Stay America Lake Worth, Florida USA