Love Poem: A Fairy Tale Retold
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Written by: Joanna Daniel

A Fairy Tale Retold

She entered the ballroom, her nerves on fire, 
Her synthetic dress fit her like a dream, 
Rustic, she knew nothing about desire, 
In silence, she stood, a classy extreme;

He entered the ballroom, dressed like a prince, 
Wondering how these dances to avoid, 
When he saw her, his eyes he couldn't convince, 
She, a timeless beauty, he, overjoyed;

He reached her amid the swirling dancers, 
She looked at him with blue eyes astounded, 
They danced till midnight, searching for answers, 
Could love blossom this quick? Left confounded;

The clock struck twelve, it ended too soon, 
Love's illusion came to a sudden end, 
Silver rays emanate from the wan moon, 
She ran away from him, his feelings rend;

Who was she? Where could he find her again? 
Questions bombarded his lovestruck mind, 
Her glass slipper came to his help and then, 
His lovely Cinderella he did find.