A Faithful Friend's Appreciation
With you I’m full and free, oh my flawless friend,
Despite all my errors, you‘re always there till the end,
Thank you for the sweet smiles you sometimes send.
Thank you for the rotten rags you always rend.
Thank you for the tender tree you always tend.
Thank you for being a darling; you always dare to defend.
Thank you for the big bow you often break and bend.
Thank you for being a firm, fearless and faithful friend.
Thank you for my miry mess you always mend.
Thank you for luggage of love you always lend.
Thank you for always fending though you often offend.
Thank you…in cold or warm weather, we always wend.
Like bread and butter we will blend till the very end,
You are everything to me… a fan, a family, a faithful friend.