Love Poem: A Father
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Written by: Melvin Johnson

A Father

A father is the reason a child grows up so strong
A father gives us the confidence, and the idea to go on
A father set the example for his children way of life
A father is the head of the house and takes care of his wife
A father is the bravest who sacrifices for his family
A father has to go out into the world and be all he can be
A father is a motivator with every word that he speaks
A father can be so hard, but he can also be so sweet
A father love for his family is very unmatched
A father will go out of his way to keep his family attached
A father is a beautiful figure in any household
A father will whip his kid behind if they don't do as they're told
So take note and let your father be an example in your life
Because without a father, all we can do is sit back and cry