Love Poem: A Fool's Love
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Written by: Craig Schaber

A Fool's Love

I was out walking one day I saw you and just had to say hay we started talking 
everything seemed to be going well. We dated for a few months full of love for each 
other we went out one night for a midnight walk. Then just out of the blue you told me 
we are through I got all I need I am done with you. I just keep walking not knowing 
what to say. When I stopped and looked around you was know where to be found. All I 
saw was a note you wrote on the ground. It said I really did love you but it would never 
be true because falling in love is something I don’t do good bye my love good bye. I 
read the note four times over can this really be true she did say love was something 
she did not do. It’s good that we did not last now I can put you in my past. Now my 
broken heart can heal while she is out trying to steal another heart to never love. From 
what I know of her she does this all the time. But of all the hearts she has broken I 
wish it had not been mine. I really loved her but she took me for a fool at least she 
though she did. Good bye my love good bye.