A Gift To Death's Guardian
exorcising the devil out of god
may require killing the antichrist
to blow the devil's mind
Possessed by a prophet
one who wouldn't give me a turn
at self love
and this upset god
with a deaf muse of irony
reality upset god fell out of love with the meaning of life
and in love with the wrong man
freaking out to lead the backwards logic
for certain characters to be at the right place at the right time
A poetic wizard who had written poems on the walls of his jail cell
proves everybodies innocence
with death on the scene
narrowing down the locations
that evil has left to hide
a world deadlocked with the proof
I can end the world at anytime
Mother nature a friend of mine for growing the right things that shifted my consciousness
through word of mouth of previous happenings
mankind becoming humbly aware
they too will be appeased
with the knowledge of this date with destiny
they conspire to do the right things