Love Poem: A Higher Calling
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh

A Higher Calling

Isaiah 55:9 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."

My heart wasn’t in it,
When love turned sour and 
Because I’m sensitive,
Left me in the shadows of doubting.

My heart wasn’t willing,
When love didn’t give me more
More light and laughter, more kindness,
Blessings of insight and inspiration,
Blessings of intrigue and imagination,
Blessings so big they left me feeling,
Like this love was a gift from heaven.

My heart wasn’t interested,
When love didn’t grow stronger,
After my heart had been reminded
This love was a light that ignited,
All my hopes and dreams, my joy,
All the things that made me feel worthy.

My heart wasn’t listening,
When love told it that real love gives,
Not just to those who give back,
But to those who linger in the shadows,
Needy and poor, destitute
Longing for more… 

My heart wasn’t in it,
When love didn’t reveal the ways
That I was going to increase
Because I’d loved someone else,
With a love that expressed my best.

My heart didn’t hear Him,
Until I shut my ears to my own voice,
Heard from above, about a pure, sweet love,
That never gives up or gives in,
Who loves unconditionally in spite of sin,
Who leaves a heart gentle,
Because this love comes from Him,
Who made me see – it’s not all about me…

My heart reasoned – that love this amazing,
Comes from the One my heart is praising,
The One who I must see – and agree…
Is the light that clings to me, the light that breaths…
Through my soul, a love that is more,
A love that is God’s gift, but it isn’t meant for me to keep,
This love is meant for me to accept, then to give back,
To those who need to see…

The love of God radiating from me,
Through each kindness, each smile, each gift
Of love that goes the extra mile,
To show that love is more than just a word.

Love is the truth and I believe – God is love,
And His love abides in me,
Not so that I’ll feel better about me,
But so I can give away the same gift
That was given to me… this love that has blessed me,
With a joy and a peace, a sense of belief
That silences every fear and replaces every tear,
With a song that sounds just like a prayer.

Love is alive – let love be the guide,
Who turns all your pride – to a humble light,
That shines and shines…. Revealing
The love that abides inside because…
God’s Son taught the world of a love,
That is not self-seeking, but gives completely.
This love is altruistic and it silences with its meekness,
It is generous and selfless and lives in those who believe…
Jesus is in the lead and love agrees, Jesus is all we’ll ever need!