A Hurting Heart
It is that of our hearts
we feel, as if one had
die. That of a love that
past. That of a love we
lost. It is of a
remembrance we
think. When we sad
and lonely inside. That
of the darkness fills
our soul down deep.
It's the thought of
what we wish we still
had. But never the
doulbt, its the true
feeling to which makes
us sad. That of my
heart, the void, the
pain which exist. I am
alive but only cause he
wont let me die. I fight
to survive as the tears
roll down my face. The
Love, the hate, it eats
at me. Why me lord?
What did I do to feel
such hurt? Please,
release me that I may
fly that like a bird. And
carry this love far
from my heart. But
stay close! You all I
got left in this world.