Love Poem: A Joining Created Colors of Human Faces

A Joining Created Colors of Human Faces

A Joining Created Colors of Human Faces
All is the power of the power Elohim creates
Beauty beheld baste the provisions shore
Creative forces share creativity case…
Declared declaration of preeminence
Every heart that beats seconds parts
Family ties embrace inside the bounds of,
Growing onslaught raising family.
Hearts swell as they embroils.
Intimate visions of voiced coupled
Joyful are the gatherings embraced.
Kindred brothers and sister hood space,
Loving and adorn relationship merge.
Maybe there is yet hope for humanity 
Noble nesting of things yet to be.
Obedient social gatherings of discord 
Private forgiveness soul spirit filled with forgiveness 
Que the forgotten and unloved ones
Resist those the devil and temptations.
Soar above the misconceptions you more than somebody 
Tossed and turned, whilst being misused and abused
Unloved misjudged cast out and off.
Vested in the premise of being targeted 
Worship the creator rather than the creation  
Xerotic skins of browns, beige, tans and reds.
Yielding for universal love for all races, creeds colors
Zeal entering in the agape love of Our Father.


Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2023©

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