A Klingon Lullaby of Love
A Klingon Lullaby Of Love
(In English and Klingon)
Come to me my little Klingon turtle dove
Drive your poisoned knife into my enemy
Feed me their hearts while they die bleeding
Still pumping life under the old volcanic fight
Eruptions laid with lust, lava flowing over us
Molten rocks forged in fevered red in heaven
Thrust your jagged teeth in me
Rip my back with pleasure
Dig with claws and howls to hell and back
Under the exploding Praxi moon of doom
Planet Kronos still orbits on but damaged
Shattered but ready for battle to the death
To fight in war is our birthright
To die with you by my side an honor
Let us scream together for a while
A Klingon lullaby of love
Psychotic savage passion is never wise
When we rise to the occasion of a smile
tlhIngan najmoHwI' muSHa'ghach
(qaStaHvIS English Hol 'ej tlhIngan)
loQ tlhIngan turtle Qa'oy Ha' jIHvaD
tar taj yItungHa', qaH QaQ vaj jagh
tIq je' jIHvaD wa'vatlh Hegh chaH regh
reH pump yIn bopummeH ngo' volcanic ghob
eruptions je lust, rIn maHvaD flowing vaHbo' lan chaH
jag Ho' jop molten nagh, pa' fever Doq chalDaq forged reH jIHvaD Rip Dub bel
pach bey pagh ghe''or 'ej Dub tlhInganpu' 'ej mol HaghmoHwI'
bopummeH jor praxi maS doom
bav poH'a' yuQ Qo'noS 'ach QIH
'a SuH ghIqtal may' tlhuHDaj
qaStaHvIS veS ghob birthright
Hegh pong Dop batlh
maHvaD ghu'vam jach nItebHa' vIS
tlhIngan najmoHwI' muSHa'ghach
psychotic nongtaHghachwIj Qa' val not
ghorgh QamchoH maH mon occasion