A Letter To a Soldier
Dearest Son, you are so far away from us,
Yet in my heart thou'art here beside me always,
My little boy are you grown, a soldier standing guard
On distant shore, their to protect the great U.S.A.
But you'll always be my small miracle, whom I love
More than any anthem playing, the stars and strips forever,
No flag folded in honors respect, could make up for the loss
Of one so dear, to a mothers loving heart.
Alone at night I sit beneath the glittering stars of wonder,
And ponder do you see them too, my son from where ever
Thou'st are.
The ink on this letter maybe runny, for many nights worth
Of tears have I shed in missing thee, but I know you will return
Unto me, my dearest boy, for God the heavenly father, watches
Over thee for me.
Around your neck is the symbol of our faith, it is a mother's
Promised vow that someday your return unto those whom love
Thee most of all.
For every miles you've traveled, whatever distances separation,
Know my thoughts never stray from thee, and loves heart connection,
Binds us together forever as one, my precious son, and his devoted mother.
When soldiers come home, a band shall always play, and drums of valor
Can be heard from afar, but nothing can compare to the heart's beating
Within those family members who have been waiting, for their men to
Come home from war.
Mine is one of those drumming hearts, and I will be waiting always to
Embrace thee my little boy, whose gone to be a soldier.
Sincerely your loving mother.