Love Poem: ''A Love So Hot and Tempting as Rising Dough'' Reprised
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Written by: Ngoc Nguyen

''A Love So Hot and Tempting as Rising Dough'' Reprised

A love so hot and tempting as rising dough,
     like fruit, oft' ripens during spring's brief life.
So feed the hunger! Bite the apple. Though
     some will judge you, let it not cause you strife.

“What role does Nature have for a pure virgin?”
     That, O chaste, young head maiden, is the question:
enjoy the pleasures of youth, long before sin
     takes hold by the Pharisee's loathsome religion.

Even priests tire from their show of virtue,
     set ablaze like kindling with their great lusts!
The constant flames in you which won't harm you,
     yearn for the feeling of your Father's thrusts.

Thus, God's saints gather round in heaven's choir,  
as love hopes to lift bone-hard cocks even higher.