Love Poem: A Love Story
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Written by: Dana Walker

A Love Story

This is a story of two lovers,
A boy and a girl, destined for each other.
They met by chance, and it felt like fate,
Their love was pure, it was no debate.
Their eyes locked, and their hearts skipped a beat,
They knew right then, they were meant to meet.
They laughed and danced, under the moonlit sky,
Their love was magical, it felt like they could fly.
They promised forever, to each other they'd stay,
Nothing could break them, they'd find a way.
But as time passed, their love started to fade,
The spark that once burned, slowly decayed.
They fought and argued, over little things,
Their love was slipping, like a bird without wings.
They tried to hold on, but it was too late,
Their love was crumbling, and there was no escape.
They said their goodbyes, with tears in their eyes,
It was the end of their beautiful paradise.
But even though their love came to an end,
They'll always cherish the memories they spend.
For in each other's hearts, they'll forever remain,
The boy and the girl, who once shared a flame.
So this is the story of two lovers torn apart,
Though their love will live on, in each other's heart.
For sometimes, love doesn't work out as planned,
But the memories and lessons will forever stand.