Love Poem: A Meeting of Hearts
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Written by: Craig Cornish

A Meeting of Hearts

We are here on this very tentative and frightening occasion to commiserate and forget, celebrate and remember but, most of all, to chose that path which will lead us to the rest of our lives. It seems unfair that life provides no map to guide us nor compass to lead us. All we have is ourselves and the intuition derived from experiences and, hopefully, the courage to take the next step. We have been through paradise and hell together. We've shared intimacy like none I've ever known and indifference I wish I hadn't known - and we lost our way. We are veterans of a long struggle during which our hands slipped apart and we were drifting alone separate from each other's hearts. Blame, resentment, and escape became the fog on our separate paths, yet, all along the way we both wished we could reach out and find that hand that had so warmly guided us before...but somehow, some way, an old tattered piece of paper with the way to a love lost, burned hot in our breast pockets with the memory of that warmer hand, and warmer love. Now, the fog has broken and we stand here at this crossroad reading the lines and expressions of a face we've known before, but instead of joy, we're afraid and our affected efforts to say hello expose our pain. I have missed you so, for no other has given me the height of elated emotion, nor the comfort of an embrace that whispers, "I need you", and the physical communion of a love that once was not lost. I share the responsibility of letting your hand slip from mine, as you do mine from yours. Long ago we met at another crossroads for the first time and fell in love, because we were attracted to that special mix of emotion and compassion that made us feel cherished and close. We're once again here, and I want to reach out and embrace you, but I'm afraid because the decision to go on together once more is not solely mine. I also know that if we do, we cannot lose our grip again, for then we would be surely lost forever. But, you must know that should we decide to go on separate paths, that you go with my love, respect, friendship, and my most sincere wish for your happiness...