A Merrier Night Is Coming
A merrier night is coming...
grab your flutes and guitars,
your trumpets and drums
to make music and praise Him;
can the shadows of fear
keep us prisoners in our home?
Aren't we tired of the bad news
that is so hard to hear;
can our hope be dwindling,
'till it dimmers and starts fading?
Stroll down the empty street
and wake up everyone asleep,
this is a night of divine joy;
of thousands of ringing bells,
of voices singing happy carols!
Sing louder than you can
and proclaim, Jesus the Savior,
who's humble and human...
this is not an ordinary baby boy,
but a glorious king we all adore!
A merrier night is coming,
forget all the worries for one evening
and join the band of excited hearts,
they have come out of their houses
to honor him with music and song;
a merrier night is coming,
play your flutes and drums,
your trumpets and guitars...
while others go caroling
in the cold and snowy evening!