A Midnight's Fantasy
I was drawn to her,
Like a western sunset
draws out the desert life
Her eyes, deep crystallized pools
of reflected whirlwinded emotions
I crave the feel of her skin,
soft and smooth as silk
I yearn for her lips-
tantalizing in their luster-
to meet mine in earnest embrace
I wish to roam my hands
down the stolen body of Aphrodite
To feel her warmth and excitement
held tightly between her legs
My lust grows ever more,
with the moon's haunting gaze
framing her beauty in spectral light
My tongue dances before my very eyes
Traveling down those luscious curves
excitement burning to pleasure,
with every wickedly sinful sigh she gasps
Desire fills my very breadth with her scent
Tenderly I caress her bosom
Her moans fill my core with intense pleasure
driving me into frenzied lust
I take all of her that I can,
her sweet succulence invading my deepest fantasies
Lifting me into an all time high
Her pleasure increasing with my own,
together reaching our maximums
Her moans irradiated in ecstasy
Oh I fervently crave to her cries of passion!
All dancing within my eyes,
in libidinous fantasies inside
cruelty of mind's earnest wishes...
I was drawn to her,
As Nightshade is drawn to the moonlight...
Written: August, 30, 2014