A Mirage
a mirage of love
in a desert of loneliness
a glimpse of hope
far in the distance
a string upon a labryth floor
the key to open
a long locked door
the solutions to problems
that cause much dismay
the answer to prayers
prayed that very day
the cure for a sickness
that ail a child
despite patience
there was quickness of time
the clouds that bring rain
to the dry
the sun that brings the light
after the darkest of nights
such are those who spill
love into our lives
those temporary aquaintences
with which we share delight
the company of a
pleasant stranger
or the reunion
of old, old friends
accompanied by the
welcome thoughts of
what could have been
the highlights of a journey
too soon, come to an end
fare well Charmaine
fare well my new found friend
hope has left and ending
where love was suppose
to begin
they were only mirages of love
in a desert that has no end