A Moonlight Stroll
Eternal as the sea's unceasing roll
our love is real; it's not just pretend;
let us hold hands and take a moonlight stroll.
Although the sands of time levied a toll,
rather than break; our hearts learned how to bend,
eternal as the sea's unceasing roll.
Death assumes life will relinquish control;
and yet, we don't believe death is the end,
let us hold hands and take a moonlight stroll.
Age wears us down, grating flesh, heart, and soul,
but death is nothing that love can't transcend;
eternal as the sea's unceasing roll.
We are each a half of what makes us whole,
you are my soulmate, as well as my friend;
let us hold hands and take a moonlight stroll.
One day, our grief may be as dark as coal
yet love, trust, and faith are a potent blend,
eternal as the sea's unceasing roll;
let us hold hands and take a moonlight stroll.