Love Poem: A Mother's Love
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Written by: Crystol Woods

A Mother's Love

A Mother's Love

Do you ever wonder at the love Mother's contain in their hearts? What will we not do for our offspring? Allow me to tell you about the mother who gave all for her children…
     The arachnid mother will build a cozy, safe nest for her incubating babies and go on a hunting spree. She will not feed, not until she has trapped and wrapped and stored as many insect corpses as possible. Then she enters the nest with the unborn and the stored dead. She seals the entrance and exit so none may enter and she cannot exit…will not exit no matter the cost! 
     Consuming her storage of food while her offspring incubate, the mother will not leave her babies.  If the food runs out before they are born,  mother spider will do what any sane Momma would…she tears off one of her eight legs and munches away! Still no babies? That's okay, she has 6 more legs she doesn't need…yes, six, for she must have at least one left to rip the others off her body. Oh the joy when her little ones decide to join her! But what's this? 
     The nest is sealed and they are weak, in need of sustenance! Ever the giver, mother spider gives all. Her new born children swarm over what is left of her ravaged body and consume her.

Awe, a mother's love! She gives everything for them. Will they take it all?
She has her first child! A baby girl, so sweet! Mother is sore and aching in herself. She gently coaxes baby to latch onto her tender areola, much changed from before. Larger, darker, and with blue veins seen under her translucent skin. The sweet ache that travels from nipple to belly seems to pull invisible strings from breast to womb as baby suckles. A bittersweet pain. She examines her post birth body. Once tight abdominal muscles are torn and weak, her skin has stretched so expansively that long white and red marks travel from just under her massive breasts to the top of her pubic bone. Her skin here hangs in unsightly folds. Her once slender hips have widened noticeably to accommodate for birthing a ten pound human being passing from womb to cervix, making a mess of her insides. Even her nose looks different! It has widened out and her husband says she snores now! As time goes on and the children continue to come from her ravaged body, she will also notice, as well her husband, that her breasts deflate with every birth and wet hungry mouth. She loses nutrients to her children that cause her once bright smile to rot and discolor. She has a scar from the last birth which had to be cesarean, cut from her womb after hours of torturous pushing to no avail. The result of such labor being a prolapsed bladder and bowel…which drips foul smelling feces through her scarred cervix. She looks at her children with her heart in her eyes ( why not? All her other organs have been displaced!). She wouldn't change a thing. A Mother's Love!