A Mum's Job
Are your married, yes, I am?
He asked me, how many children?
I have three and enough for family,
Do you know how many I have?
I don’t know, I have seven kids.
What, I astonished. How old are you?
I am 22; my first partner has two,
And second has three but third one,
Also have two, I am expecting more,
How do you manage all and what it is?
My first girl friend knew that I have one,
But second also knew that I have one.
But nobody knew that I have three,
And I am a father of sevens.
It is my culture, nobody knows a father,
It is a mum’s job, to look after children,
I am quiet smart taking a good benefit,
They afford me, I am in progress.
He was smiling and has a smoke,
I am not as you to die for only one.