A New Dawn
Theoretical abstractions,
reductive hard word choices,
to describe and prescribe spiritual experiences
are unsatisfactory for daily consumption and absorption
as they reify exceptions to your Business As Usual,
which is probably LeftBrain patriarchally dominant.
Exceptional Left-Right bicameral ego/eco-consciousness,
of natureLeft-spiritRight nondual co-arising experience,
erupts from the creolizing soil
of your diurnal polypathic
ergodically liturgical
energy is information
as fake nothing-new entropy is disinformation
as regenerativity is notnot degenerativity
hum-drum cooperatively polypathic days and nights.
This implies that regenerative ethology,
exploring your eisegetical experience of nature-spirit's nondual purposes,
within as without,
is a Left-Right
co-empirical deductive/inductive
health science.
With polycultural and multicultural outcome intent,
we invite both Left-deductive empiricism
and Right-inductive Personal Knowledge,
a tacit, more than explicit, dimension
(see also M Polanyi and D Bohm and E De Bono and J Jaynes)
as comprehensively balancing co-arising knowledge
(see also B Fuller on distinctions of ecological cooperative bilateral comprehension
as therapeutically contrasted against
merely ego-anthro-centrically deductive word-choice competitions
of EitherOr oppositions,
where BothAnd appositions
serve more synergetically WinWin healthy-well).
If we believe,
perhaps with our Buddhist nondual co-arising friends,
that the ego mind can become an empty-blank slate,
this is merely the exceptional pause to remember
the interdependent polypathic construction
of all specific knowledge,
including foreknowledge,
content and contentment,
as opposed to more LeftBrain dominant
cognitive-affective clouding dissonance.
When Earth is EmptyLeft
the Universe appears Interdependent-Cooperative inductive Right.
Other EitherOr dichotomies
therapeutically best also comprehended
as BothAnd co-arising dipolar appositions:
Erotic-natural and Agapic regenerative ecopolitical nurturing
biosystemic sensory-neural rootedness,
of fractal/developmental/dialectical-DNA and RNA, for example.
Deductive LeftBrain languaged knowledge
seeking Inductive RightBrain revelations
of ecopolitically cooperative revolutions.
Theoretical deductive-reductive abstractions of rationalism
redrawn and remembered from experiential-affective ElderRight
ecological learning
distinctions between regenerative long-term
and degenerative short-term re-acclimations
of Bateson's Sacred Ecology,
nightmare to daydream daily cooperative adaptations,
creolizing nutritional supersessions
from enslavement to LeftBrain dominance only
to full-free multiculturing liberty
to dance with Left-Right Bodhisattva Messianic PeaceMakers.
Nature's LeftBrain Yang-strengths
optimizing while nurturing RightBrain's Yin-flow.
Anthrocentric competitive Yang-LeftBrain paid-out-forward messianism
and WinWin pregnant co-arising
EarthMatriarchal YinSquared-Fractal c-squared, e-squared
MultiCultural CoEnlightenment
(see B Fuller on compare/contrast of spatiated c-squared
with temporal-bilateral linear Eulerian-squared
prime metaphysical relationship).
So nature and sexuality and ecotherapeutic messianism
do all fit together
to include our humane-divine full bilateral spectrum
of homo through hetero sexuality,
with bi and transexuality somewhere in-between,
Tipping Points
to help the rest of us
heal ourselves of unseemly Yang-dominant bias,
where homo means anti-hetero
and hetero devolves into anti-homo,
and white means anti-black
and black means anti-white,
and North means anti-South
and South means anti-North,
and Western Capitalism means anti Eastern Cooperativism
and Eastern Nondual Cooperativism (Taoism-Buddhism, etc.)
means possibly also Western Creolizing EcoCapitalistic InterRelationalism.
One is naturally a man
or woman
or someone multiculturally in-between,
reminding us
there are many healthier ways to become a bicameral polypathic man,
as accessible as a therapeutic daydream
comprehending this new diurnal dawn.