A New Year
So you want to know my secret?
You stole my soul from deep inside me
An utter struggle to survive
Can you keep a secret?
You became an everyday problem
You made me want to die.
With my lips sealed, a smug smile became plastered upon my face
No one knew how I felt.
I was so hurt, so scared, and oh so lonely.
Heartbreak, the lies you would make.
This was my struggle
In order to survive
All I had to do was strive.
Panting and drowning in your abyss of lies.
My friends had not the slightest clue
I would smile on the outside
But deep inside, the true feelings would hide.
I became hypnotized
I became mute
You drove me crazy
Can you keep a secret?
At night, my eyes failed to become lazy
My mind became hazy.
Eventually, I started to lose the fight
Death, she had snuck up on me
Just like a shadow in the night.
Far worse than the monsters that would crawl underneath my bed
More evil than all the words you had said.
Can you keep a secret?
I found the light at the end of the tunnel
The light glistened in my face, all the darkness was erased.
Can you keep a secret?
This light is my symbol of Hope
As I absorb this new found feeling
My heart is healing.
All the darkness vanished in thin air
As if the burden of you, was never even there.
I am a brave warrior now
I am a survivor of yesterday
I am a fighter for tomorrow
I am, I am, I am…
Yes, in life I may be put down
But I will still prevail.
Even if I fail, I will try at it again and again
I have a newfound bravery
Dwelling deep inside of me
Everyone knows it
So you want to know my secret?
If only mere words could compose it