Thinking... Wondering... Should I, or should I not? But, I love her so... I wrote from my heart To her, from me... A note But it blew outside my window As I was driving in my car A let's-get-back-together- note Asking her "I was just wondering how you are?" She was lost driving in her travels So, she was looking at a map When the note I wrote flew in her window And it landed on her lap I said I'll meet you at the junction I'll be at the "Lonely Hearts Cafe" I'll be in the back at 5:00am And I'll be waiting, for you...all day I hope to see you, darling I know that we can work on things Like making love- beneath the stars again 'O Happiness, to brings 5:00am that morning... I had showed up right on time And I thanked the Lord ten-million times did the love of mine A note From me to her... From my heart, I wrote I love her so...