A Poet's Plea
When secrets rest behind each moon
between the lines of hidden tunes,
my hope is that you'll sing along
oh singer of my heartfelt songs.
Envision what was born through you,
create romance with just one view.
Caress my mind with sultry songs,
nudge me when our morning dawns.
Reveal the treasures of your dreams,
enlighten all when daylight gleams.
Write melodies of nighttime's best,
all dreamers rise to vision's quest
Inspire tunes again to ring
in every newfound offering;
while nature plays our heart's designs
come dance with me between the lines.
As willows woo the windowpanes,
sounds of nature's slow refrain.
Please listen to all the silent screams,
those exclaimed in scribbled dreams.
Surrounding you are mystic hues,
please pay attention to the clues.
Come manifest your spirit's call,
then sense a silent feather's fall.
While angels sing and pick up flight,
share the whispers of our night.
As memories walk another mile
our dawn awakens the morning's smile.