A Pooible Idea
It's a pooible idea that we set our love aside,
It’s a pooible idea that we need to take a break,
It’s a pooible idea that our time has come and gone,
It’s a pooible idea that love’s hiding in forsake...
It's a pooible idea that this poem's only poo,
It's a pooible idea that there's someplace left to hide,
It’s a pooible idea that our worm has not yet turned,
It’s a pooible idea that you've no place by my side.
But impooible’s the thought that my heart beats without you there,
And impooible’s the thought that our future does not shine
Yes impooible’s the dream of our two lives not entertwined
And impooible’s a world that lives where you’re no longer mine!
Brian Johnston
October 2,2014
Poet's Notes:
OK world! I've invented two completely new words here in one poem! What do you think! Actually I was using the word processor on PoemHunter typing the word possible and when I proof read the test I discovered that the stupid software had written 'pooible' instead of 'possible. The rest is history!