Love Poem: A Pretty Image Not Easily Erased
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Written by: Andrew Crisci

A Pretty Image Not Easily Erased

Can I admire your beauty and be still charmed?
Jealousy was restlessness when a guy asked
you to dance with him, I watched you two fliting;
do I look so sincere in spite of my crazy cheating?
I can tremble at a pretty image not easily erased,
It's the heavy guilt inside, because I have cheated!

Oh, darling...hurt me the same way I've hurt you so badly;
don't be kind to a cheater, he can't change his playboy's ways!
Oh, darling...tell it straight, I smother you with hundreds of lies:
I don't have the guts to admit my wrong, I'd rather face insanity! 

Can I keep away from a pretty image not easily erased
by my obsessive schemes that make me shiver?
I cheat and I show no regret, I fool myself I'll never 
be caught lying when the lipstick of a stranger is smeared
on my face and her perfume is proof of my cheating:
no man can escape a lovely woman so tempting! 

Oh, darling... don't be a pretty image easily erased
by my infidelity, I don't deserve anything so precious;
oh, absence is greater and sadder than yours:
do what is right, love someone who's faithful and good! 

This romance wasn't based on love but on a terrible lie,
all the lies that tore you apart, but tears won't help a bit;
go and find your ideal man, that loving man that I am not:
find your happiness in his true arms, don't hold onto me!