Love Poem: A Prissoner For Life Time!!

A Prissoner For Life Time!!

I am not god...Not even an angel...
To watch you walk away from my soul…
As my heart will pretend not to care…
Seeing you with another love…
Where you and I am not told…
I am wounded so deeply…
In the heart you lived for so long…
I feel my heart is crawling...
All back to your memories…
Making me a prisoner in your memories...
How long should I carry on…
How long should I stay…?
For the healing of the wounds in pain…
I can not go to a doctor…
Nether go under heart transplantation…
Wounds are deep to long. Too strong...
I am helpless of healing them…
Where can I run, where can I hide…
When all the memories of you...
Trying to make me and my heart A prisoner for the life time??
Dilupa Wijegunasekara