Love Poem: A Puppy's Tale
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Written by: Paula Goldsmith

A Puppy's Tale

Quote By Poet "I like to bring my imagination out in writing so you can bring your imagination out in reading."
I remember when I was young, with mommy and my three siblings. The four of us loved cuddling, cuddling up to mommy. We could not make a sound, the man would hit us with a hair brush. When we got older, he put rope around our necks. Then put us outside for the long days, no mess in the house he would say. One day we chewed on the rope, then one by one we were free. The car door slammed and he was home, mommy yelled run for the fence hole. We all ran as fast as we could, but mommy could not fit through the fence. The four of us ran and ran, I then collapsed on a pile of green grass. Where were my three siblings, they were nowhere in sight. Now each on our own, life must go on.