A Recipe For Kinky Romance
hell fire desires running wild
like a passion driven hot rod with burning tires
scorching licks of frenzied lust
whip raw touches that spontaneously self combust
pressurized slowness yielding euphoric smoke with every thrust
finger flicking flickery teasing and pleasing pink pleasures
peeping erotic natures in search of lost wet treasures
hardy hints of intense mixed sexual scents
resurrects the untamed within to go instinctively hell bent
standing tall like a hairy savage walking erect
smooth cruise control piston pumping action
X-rated planet transmitting listen to deep space orgasmic satisfaction
naughty nude bodies being slapped by massive tide waves of ecstasy
forever love fantasies pulverized into countless particles
and scattered across the endless galaxies
extreme tenderness under a ripe mythological moon
indulge on each others spirits using a soul stealing spoon