A Reflection Into the Past
A reflection into the past,
Of all the good times shared,
Many heart felt conversations,
When there were no barriers there.
A glimpse into the present,
A few words to and fro,
How did we get to this point?
A great wall is lingering there.
I take each moment as it comes,
No point thinking too deep,
The past seems so unreal,
Was it a time you could not bare?
I have changed in more ways then one,
A rare diamond in the rough,
My worth is known to me now,
What others think I truly don't care.
Chase no more is what I live,
For that is not my worth,
Meet me half way or no way,
Or is there really a secret there?
I am what I am,
And willing to accept who you are,
No matter what is unsaid,
I will always be there.
Friends first and foremost,
It once felt so rare,
Do you choose to be so distant?
For the unknown is too much to bare?
I understand more then even you know,
Because I feel it too,
What ever will be will be,
Just known I will always love you!!