Love Poem: A Regulated Sonata
Poet Tacito Avatar
Written by: Poet Tacito

A Regulated Sonata

Deeply inspired by a piano cover for a song called “With a thousand 
words to say but one”…the heart never, ever forgets. Wrote this in 6 minutes, 
the length of the song itself...

6 minutes, granted

Permission from my agnostic lord,
To shed you from these reinforced tonsils

To undo God’s whisper of 2008,
I would

To undo all my darkened hours,
I would

I taste the bastion of clouded whispers
Relinquishing greener pastures

4 minutes remaining


I still miss you.

The yesterday
Of you

But, today,
I grab exponential smile
With serenity plated exhales,
That you’re gone

I picture how irregular my heartbeat
Would become
If you whispered carnivorous greetings upon
These unfiltered eyelids

60 seconds


As the landlord of my domain,
I evict you
Still leaving a window cracked

Similar to my 3rd eye

Forever dreaming 
For the yesterday of you

©Drake J. Eszes