Love Poem: A Revolving Moment In Time
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Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

A Revolving Moment In Time

Each day begins
doing my best
to remember,
to rediscover,
my life as sacred gift,
paid forward by more graceful than clumsy Elders past
of all surviving Creation.

and thereby a blessing.

contingent upon growing gratitude
for life as EgoNurturing gift.

From this gratitude space,
this threshold of rediscovering Ego's grace-filling roots,
I can emerge
into All Lives Are Gifts,
all Earth as Grace.

But, if I cannot feel and cherish
myself as part of this cooperatively-held gift,
if I live in an environment
that more clearly reflects myself to me
as a merely bought and paid for consumer
of others' goods and bads,
a marketable or sadly unmarketable commodity
in society's capital-invested
Win-Lose monoculturing games,
then this larger Earth as Sacred EcoLogical Gift
is accessible
only as LeftBrain Gaian Hypothesis.

Longing for Right with Left poetic freedom faith
not confined by narrative prisons of deductive
seductive ego-gentric minds
bereft of ecotherapeutic restorative vocations,
nurturing resonant love
of all healthy animated minds.

Minds of and for Win-Win nature optimization,
each and every divinely created ego/eco-centric individual
and diverse AnimaMundi species,
interdependent NetZero 4D fractal 
Gaian Historic Seasoned Gifts.

Each life,
each day with night begins
doing our best
to remember,
to rediscover,
lives reweaving sacred grace-full gifts.