A Romantic Poem
There was a touch, I knew as an
infant when my mother lifted me
up and held me close to her bosom.
I knew this was Love and that she
loved me.
There was a touch, I knew as a
child when, I would hold the hand
of my father, and we would walk
and talk. He would lift me high in
the air and laugh spinning me
around. I knew this was Love and
that he loved me.
There was a touch I looked forward
to when I was early in my teens,
when I could rest my head on my
grandmother’s shoulder. She would
lift my spirits by saying “Things
going to be OK let Granny take care
of you now.” I knew this was Love
and I knew she loved me.
There was a touch I looked for when
I became a man, a Mother’ caress, a
Father’s strength and a Grandmother’s
smile. All of this was lost to me, and
I wondered through life searching for
this touch in all that crossed my path.
It was not until I met you that I
realized that the touch I was looking
for was the one upon my heart. That
is when I knew this was Love and you
loved me.