A Salute To Debra Reid: Our Sister, Our Friend
from the minute you gave your soul
into the safe keeping of Jesus Christ
you went on to lead an upstanding,
productive and blessed life
from the moment you met and married your true love,
your husband Kenneth Reid
you reaped a bountiful harvest
and built a business with God's righteous seed
the enemy came upon you shooting arrows
from every angle and in every way
yet our Father God continued to shield you
and lift you up each and every day
you fought the good fight Debra
and now you can gracefully lay down your sword
for Father God has called you up heaven
to receive your just reward
so today we salute you Debra
for being a soldier in the army of God
and your memory will live on forever
embedded within our hearts
you've been a trooper and a true disciple
until the very end
and our love for you will never die,
Debra Reid Our Sister, Our Friend