A Search for Love’s Companion Terza Rhyma If treach’rous men detain you in climes hot— I’d battle sandstorms in the zenith noon, Outwit the kidnapers –despoil their plot. If you be lost at sea in dread typhoon, Tho’ rescue ships may falter –all a ’shred-- I’d plunge shark-depths –prepared with my harpoon. I knew my parents slept in true love’s bed-- Tho’ sought I substitutes—they’re empty shells-- (Refuse to think of lonely tears I’ve shed.) Like Dante, I have glimpsed my share of hells, But know that light exists in lover’s eyes-- In voice abides the intricacy of bells. With diligence my search will carry on-- When our souls meet-- twill signify love’s dawn V Anderson-Throop 29 July 2013 ©