A Sign of Praise
Just missing one thing making all else null and void
What you think you bring through Him you enjoyed
Everything you own or what you say you have made
Had you known perhaps more you would have prayed
That breath you took each one mercifully given to you
Your individual look to which you had nothing to do
So it is with all the rest but for God's great Love and Grace
Even at your verily best it is God that you can never replace
Your memory so short in not placing Jesus for all to see
Such a small time to report compared to all of eternity
Don't wait another minute to give Him a sign of praise
So not to admit you didn't let Him in any of your days
His signature is on my heart a blessing above all things
As we all need to keep praising the Blessings He brings
Turn about in your way by realizing His Amazing Mercies
The one who gives the Lord their day is the one who sees